divendres, d’agost 27, 2010

Falling slowly

I don't know you, but I want you. All the more for that. Words fall through me, and always fool me, and I can't react. And games that never amount to more than they're meant, will play themselves out. Take this sinking boat and point it home, we've still got time. Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you've made it now. Falling slowly, eyes that know me, and I can't go back. Moods that take me and erase me, and I'm painted black. You have suffered enough, and warred with yourself. It's time that you won. Take this sinking boat and point it home, we've still got time. Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice, you've made it now. Falling slowly, sing your melody, I'll sing along.

Falling slowly - GLEN HANSARD

diumenge, de febrer 28, 2010


Coses que van tant bé que no m'ho puc creure, i d'altres que haurien de millorar moltíssim...
Per què no hi ha un punt mig?

Vuela, vuela, vuela conmigo, cuélate dentro, dime "chico". Dame calor, sácame brillo, hazme el amor en nuestro nido. No quiero nada, nada más, me sobra respirar. Sube, sube, sube conmigo, déjalo todo, yo te cuido. Ven a Madrid, ten un descuido, haz cosas mientras yo te miro. No tengo miedos, no tengo dudas, lo tengo muy claro ya. Todo es tan de verdad que me acojono cuando pienso, en tus pequeñas dudas y eso que si no te tengo reviento, quiero hacértelo muy lento. Todo, todo, todo, todo, yo quiero contigo todo. Poco, muy poco a poco, poco, que venga la magia y estemos solos, solos, solos, solos, yo quiero contogo sólo. Solos, rozándonos todo, sudando, cachondos, volviéndonos locos, teniendo cachorros, clavarnos los ojos, bebernos a morro. Sueña, sueña, sueña conmigo, escríbeme luego un mensajito. Dime hacia donde, yo te sigo, si tu te tiras yo me tiro. Dame, que aún te queda, dame un poco más, dame que lo quiero todo. Siento que cada vez más, tengo celos de todo. Dame, que aún te llega y todo llegará, dámelo sólo a mi solo. Siento que cada vez quiero más. Todo, todo, todo, todo, yo quiero contigo todo.
Todo - Pereza

1 any... (TSTPTT)

Foto: Calella, Febrer 2010

diumenge, de novembre 01, 2009


Quan fas un regal a la primera amiga de la infancia que és mamà, tens una sensació extranya, d'irrealitat, com si el temps passés massa ràpid. La recordes al teu costat jugant a nines, i veus que ara ja no és broma, és totalment real, i sents melancolia perquè ja no sou nenes, però alhora felicitat, al veure-li la cara d'orgull i els ulls alegres.

Moltíssimes felicitats, Laia i Marc. Estic segura que sereu uns pares genials!!! Que en Roc creixi fort i feliç, i us porti milions de bons moments.

There's so much craziness surrounding me, there's so much going on, it gets hard to breathe. All my faith has gone, you bring it back to me, you make it real for me. Well, I'm not sure of my priorities, I've lost site of where im ment to be, and like holy water washing over me, you make it real for me. And I'm running to you, baby. You are the only one who save me. That's why I've been missing you lately, cause you make it real for me. When my head is strong but my heart is weak, I'm full of hurricanes and uncertainty, but I can find the words, you teach my heart to speak. You make it real for me. And i'm running to you, baby. You are the only one who save me. That's why I've been missing you lately, cause you make it real for me. Everybodies talking in words, I don't understand. You got to be the only one who knows just who I am, and you shine in the distance. I hope I can make it through, cause the only place that I want to be, is right back home with you. I guess theres so much more I have to learn, but if you're here with me, I know which way to turn. You always give me somewhere, somewhere I can learn. You make it real for me.
You make it real - JAMES MORRISON

dijous, de setembre 03, 2009


De vacances...
Nova cançó de Fito, i esperant el disc el 15 de setembre i la gira, a veure si hi ha sort i esborro una de les "tareas pendientes".

Puedo escribir y no disimular, es la ventaja de irse haciendo viejo. No tengo nada para impresionar, ni por fuera ni por dentro. La noche en vela va cruzando el mar, porque los sueños viajan con el viento, y en mi ventana sopla en el cristal, mira a ver si estoy despierto. Me perdí en un cruce de palabras, me anotaron mal la dirección. Ya grabé mi nombre en una bala, ya probé la carne de cañón, ya lo tengo todo controlado, y alguien dijo no, que ahora viene el viento de otro lado, déjame el timón, y alguien dijo no. Lo que no llegará al final serán mis pasos, no el camino. No ves que siempre vas detrás cuando persigues al destino. Siempre es la mano y no el puñal, nunca es lo que pudo haber sido. No es porque digas la verdad, es porque nunca me has mentido. No voy a sentirme mal si algo no me sale bien. He aprendido a derrapar y a chocar con la pared. Que la vida se nos va como el humo de ese tren, como un beso en un portal, antes de que cuente 10. Y no volveré a sentirme extraño, aunque no me llegue a conocer. Y no volveré a quererte tanto, y no volveré a dejarte de querer. Dejé de volar, me hundí en el barro, y entre tanto barro me encontré algo de calor sin tus abrazos. Ahora sé que nunca volveré.
Antes de que cuente 10 - FITO Y LOS FITIPALDIS

dimecres, de juliol 29, 2009


Com sempre, a l'estiu, poques actualitzacions.
Finals de juliol, l'estiu està passant volant, i visquent de finde en finde...
Foto de festa majoooor!!

Do you hear me, I'm talking to you. Across the water, across the deep blue ocean, under the open sky, oh my baby, I'm trying. Boy I hear you in my dreams, I feel your whisper across the sea. I keep you with me, in my heart. You make it easier when life gets hard. I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend, lucky to have been where I have been, lucky to be coming home again. They don't know how long it takes waiting for a love like this. Every time we say goodbye I wish we had one more kiss. I'll wait for you I promise you, I will. I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend, lucky to have been where I have been, lucky to be coming home again. Lucky we're in love every way, lucky to have stayed where we have stayed, lucky to be coming home someday. And so I'm sailing through the sea, to an island where we'll meet. You'll hear the music fill the air, I'll put a flower in your hair. Though the breezes through trees, move so pretty, you're all I see. As the world keeps spinning round, you hold me right here, right now.

6 mesos!!
Demà passat... divendres!!!

dijous, de juny 25, 2009

Us trobaré a faltar... molt... a tots....

I don't want to miss a thing...

dilluns, de juny 01, 2009


Perquè no podia faltar, ho havia de posar, un triplet no s'aconsegueix gaire sovint...
Foto de la nit de locura transitòria, esperant el metro per anar a canaletes (diga-li canaletes, diga-li plaça catalunya).

Última setmana de curs... :_( però tot i això, molts plans i moltes ganer de fer-los.

Nou descobriment musical, molt interessant, gràcies als senyors d'Estrella damm i el seu nou anunci (Formentera...):

I kissed you good bye at the airport. I held you so close to me. I said: 'So here we are now and I can't stop from crying Lilly'. And you said: 'Hey hey hoo, you know this is the way to go. You will forget about me when I'm on that plane. Forget about me when I'm on that plane.'
Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, I wanna be with you tonight. The plane took off and my love went with it. The chilly wind whipped my both cheeks hard. And the man next to me said: 'Everything is gonna be alright'. I said: 'Nothing is gonna be alright, but thank you anyway'. And then I saw your face in the airplane window. I waved my hands and I shouted to you: Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, I wanna be with you tonight.
I wore a T-shirt and my worn out hat. Abandoned as a summer cat. And as I stood there as a broken hearted I realized you got the car keys still. So I broke into my own old car. I fell asleep on the passenger seat. I dreamed of summer sex with you and you whispered in my ear:
Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, I wanna be with you tonight. Why can't you leave me tomorrow instead? And above the clouds she said to her self: 'I can't believe how naive a man can be. That's why I love you so and that's why I can't be with you...'
Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, I wanna be with you tonight.

"Res mai s'acaba si alguna cosa t'ho recorda"